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“A Hiding Place”

Sometimes I asked myself, “What should I do to be favored by others”? And “what should I do to be loved truly by the person I dreamed of”? No matter where I go I couldn’t find someone who can give love unconditionally. Sometimes I doubt to give my all just for love but there’s something that pushes me to give in. I’m afraid that someday it would be the reason that I’d be lost and be surrounded by darkness. I don’t understand why I put myself down without minding all the pain just all because of love. “Is it right to the people around me”?

I then always think what should be an effective solution for me to know the true meaning of God’s plan in my life. I have no authority to question Him of “Why do these things happen to me”? What I should do is to be firmed and be patient to overcome it all.

“Is it right that often times I cried”? I kept the thorns of pain! There’s something that blocks the door of my heart that it refused to utter. I have nothing to do but to lie down and find myself needed God’s help. How I wish to hide in His presence and deny myself to follow Him. Until I found out an endless shower of comfort that surrounds me. I asked God, “Why you can’t avoid all disappointments and pain when you love someone”? He answered me, “you need to be hurt for you to know the true definition of patience and love. With that, you would learn to consider and accept your destiny. It’s the way of testing who you are, how you love, and how you appreciate things you have and what others would offer to you. If someone will hurt you many times, love him/her more and more and you will receive the reward of all the good things you did because love conquers all.

Here comes my sweet hope and joy. I can feel it touching my life healing all the pain inside me. Now I know that it would bring me to a place where I ever wanted. A place of peace, a place of solemnity, a place of love, a hiding place.


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