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“It’s Only a Challenge”

As we live in this world we experience a lot of troubles, trials, and hardships that would discourage us to work hard, to continue our plans, and to stop all we desire in life. Many people lost in their ways. They hate their lives and blame God when they encounter different complicated situations that turned their lives into miserable and hopeless. Sometimes you lost your faith in God and rebelled. You thought that it’s better to die to escape from it all. If you believe that no one could help you in times of grief, you’re definitely wrong! You still have true friends and loved ones who could give their best advice and word of encouragement. Above all, there is a Great God. If all the people around you don’t care, God does. If the love of a person fails, the love of God is unfailing. If you failed, stand up and work hard until you reach all you wanted to be. If you made mistakes, try to correct it and take it as a lesson to be a better person. If you lost your faith in God, comeback into His presence once again and live according to His will and purpose. God is very faithful to us for He makes us smile in times of difficulties. When we’re in darkness, He leads us to light, and when we’re weak, He gives us more strength and new hope. So don’t give up! It’s only a challenge! God is our strong foundation. Call upon Him and He will answer you.


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